Manifest Your Vision

Congratulations to you!! Bring out the champagne, and let’s go.  Kudos, you have completed your vision board for the year. You have completed half the battle by honing in on your goals and creating a vision for your year.  Now that you have done that, what’s next? How do you get your goals off your board and make them reality. Here are some tips we shared with our boss ladies who attended our MPL Vision Board and Brunch Party:

Keep Your Vision in View

Make sure you place your vision board somewhere it is visible. Someone shared with me recently that they took a picture off their vision board, and added it as their screen saver on their computer.  As much time as we spend in front of the computer screens, this serves as a constant reminder. To build on this, you can also add it to your phone screen saver. I have mine currently hung up by my door. I see it when I go to bed, and when I walk out the door each day.


Meditating over your vision board helps you get clarity and focus on how to put it into action. Meditation doesn’t have to be done in the manner that we traditionally think.  It’s simply the act of getting connected and clearing your mind. Think about an act that does this for you? It could be journaling, painting or running. Some of my best ideas come on the toilet. So TMI, but there is something about being one with the porcelain god. LOL. Joking!

Divide and Conquer

Break down your larger goals into digestible actionable pieces. Once you do this, you can divide them by your monthly, weekly and daily goals. In the mornings before I head out, I look over my vision board. I think about what I can add to my day or week to-do list to act on my goals.


 There’s true power in being thankful for what you have that allows for more to flow in. I keep a gratitude journal  I try to write in daily. If daily is too frequent, then weekly is definitely an option. If writing is not your thing, then simply focusing on what you are grateful should do the trick.

Accountability Partner

Share your vision board with your spouse, bestie, mentor, therapist, coach, or someone you are comfortable with confiding in. They can help serve as a reminder and keep you focused. Maybe your future accountability partner will be at an MPL event.

What are some tips you apply to making your vision board actionable? Share your tips below.

~ Candii Woodson

Founder, Misspacklight
